Courses and Seminars
Teachers Training
Teacher Training Courses are open to all who have completed Vedic Art Foundation and the Continuation course. As well as to the Vedic Art teachers who wishes to aquire qualifications to teach Continuation courses.
VEDIC ART courses
The Vedic Art method support creativity and personal development since 1988. The Vedic Art courses were created by Curt Källman, the founder of Vedic Art.
Courses in Your country
National websites and contacts. Here you can find course coordinators in your country.

Summer Courses on Öland
Every year hundreds of participants experience
the beautiful Öland Island
and 17 Principles of Vedic Art
through an array of Vedic Art courses.

Öland Accommodation & Travel

Reserve Your
“Vedic Art is a navigation map. Use the compass you have in your mind and find the way to the chamber of peace in your heart.
Then, when you dip your brush in the light, space, bliss and eternity will be pictured.”