October 25-26, 2025 with Johannes Källman
Taught in English with Polish interpretation
Experience the path of the seventeen principles towards a free creation and a free life! This course defines common limitations in the painting process and provides tools for how we can free ourselves from them. The course provides a deepening of the Vedic knowledge path towards liberation and freedom, within and in relation to fellow human beings and the outside world.
We will define specific universal limiting factors in life we can relate to, transform and break free from. Art as a key to a freer life! Moksha is the concept of total freedom and liberation, central to Vedic philosophy. A course with Johannes Källman, developed by Curt Källman. Vedic Art invites you on the life path of freedom.
Liberate yourself and become freer in art and life! ! We review the main reasons why we feel limited in our painting process and explore how we can remove these limitations! Art as a key to a freer Life! Moksha is the concept of ultimate freedom and liberation, central to Vedic philosophy. This course is for students who have completed the Foundation Course in Vedic Art. The course is developed by Curt Källman. This course is for students who have completed the Foundation Course in Vedic Art.
Watch introduction Video (English subtitles):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--kElZTterE
This course is for you who have completed the Foundation Course in Vedic Art.
For questions, more information and reservation please contact Ariana Karima
adriana(at)koloryduszy.pl +48 791 930 350
Learn more about this event (polish information): https://koloryduszy.pl/kurs-z-johannesem-kallmanem-wolnosc-moksha-25-26-10-szczytna/